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來源:湖北成人高考網 整編:湖北自考網 時間:2012-04-20 瀏覽:0




  We asked the teacher to explain the difficult sentences again.-The teacher was asked to explain the difficult sentences again.

  I found a poor girl lying on the ground.-The poor girl was found lying on the ground

  My mother bought me a pair of new shoes.-I was bought a pair of new shoes; -A pair of new shoes was bought for me.

  When we came to the theatre, we found all the seats occupied.-When we came to the theatre, all the seats were found occupied.

  They paint their houses white in spring.-Their houses are painted white in spring.

  The people in the town recognize him as a genius.-He is recognized as a genius by the people in the town.

  有些動詞,如let, make, hear, see, watch, notice, have(讓,使), feel 等,在主動語態(tài)中,其后面的不定式作賓語補足語時to 被省略,但在被動語態(tài)中需將to表達出來。在被動語態(tài)中,如果一個簡單句中有兩個動詞,后一動詞一定要加to.

  I saw him turn round the corner.-He was seen to turn round the corner.

  The teacher made the students copy the sentences many times until they could make sentences themselves.-The students were made to copy the sentences many times until they could make sentences themselves.


  (1)某些連系動詞,如smell, taste, sound, prove, feel.

  The flowers smell sweet.

  The food tastes nice.

  (2) 某些與can't, won't 等連用的不及物動詞, 如move, lock, shut, open.

  It can't move.(不能說 It can't be moved.)

  The door won't shut.

(3) 某些可和well, easily等副詞連用的不及物動詞,如read, write, wash, clean, draw, burn, cook.

  The cloth washes well.

  The poem reads smoothly.

  The meat is cooking.


  1.It remains a question when the new classroom building _________.

  A. will be completed B. had been completed

  C. would be completed D. has been completed

  (答案 A)

  2.My mother knows Jane; they _____ to each other at a party.

  A. have been introduced B. are introduced

  C. were introduced D. had been introduced

  (主動語態(tài):introduce sb. to sb.)

  (答案 C)

  被動語態(tài)部分還須特別注意動詞make, hear, see等詞,其后面用動詞不定式作補足語時,to 應該保留。

  Those who won't work should be made to work.


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